Resetting passwords

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

To reset a user's password, head to User Manager.

  1. Click on 'Apps' in the side menu, then 'Users', then 'Users'.
  2. Search for the relevant user by first or last name.
  3. Click 'Edit' for that user.
  4. Enter a new password in the 'New password' field. You can see the password requirements in the help text by hovering over the question mark icon. Re-enter the password in the 'Confirm password' field.
  1. Turn on 'Reset password at the next login' option.
  2. Click 'Update user' at the top right.

The user should be able to log on with their new password and will be prompted to create a new password themselves at login.

How did we do?

Password policy

User roles and permissions
