
How to stop unwanted time-outs

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

Browsers like Chrome and Edge have changed their settings recently to introduce sleeping tabs.

These settings put tabs "to sleep" when you haven't used them for a period of time and reloads the application when you go back to the tab, which causes the need for reauthentication. You might notice this where tabs you haven't used in a while appear faded.

This makes your computer run more efficiently, but can be frustrating when you keep getting signed out of applications and have to log in again!

You can update your browser settings to prevent this from happening with your OneAdvanced applications, making sure your browser setup works best for you and doesn't interrupt your workflow.


Go to Settings, then System and performance. Scroll down to Optimise Performance.

Check if the Save resources with sleeping tabs option is turned on.

You can add your OneAdvanced URLs where it says Never put these sites to sleep. You can see MyWorkplace has been added in the screenshot below.


Go to Settings, then Performance. Check if Memory saver is turned on.

If you'd like to keep using Memory saver, you can add your OneAdvanced URLs where it says Always keep these sites active.

You can add your OneAdvanced URLs where it says Always keep these sites active. You can see MyWorkplace has been added in the screenshot below.

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