
How to help keep your Advanced account safe and secure

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

These tips can help keep your Advanced account secure, reduce the risk of unauthorised access, and keep your information safe.

Set strong passwords

 Do ✅

Don't ❌

Do make the new password significantly different from previous passwords.

Don't use the same password for different accounts.

Do use a sentence or phrase converted into a string of initials, numbers, and symbols.

Don't use a single word for your password like "password," "monkey," or "sunshine."

Do make your password hard to guess even if someone knows a lot about you (avoid names and birthdays of your family or your favourite band).

Don't use common passwords like "password," "iloveyou," or "12345678."

Use a password manager

Consider using a reputable password manager to store and generate complex passwords securely. Password managers help you manage multiple accounts without the need to remember each password.

Never reply to emails asking for your password

We will never ask for your password in email, so never reply to any email asking for any personal information, even if it claims to be from Advanced.

Use multi-factor authentication

Enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary form of verification, such as a one-time code sent to your mobile device or email, in addition to your password.

Keep your devices safe

If you lose or give away a device that you use to sign in to your Advanced account or use for authentication, or if you know that someone else has access to your devices for whatever reason, be proactive and change your authentication settings. You can contact an admin user to reset your MFA settings. This will allow you to set up a new MFA device.

Set up screen lock passwords or biometric authentication on your devices to prevent unauthorized physical access to your account.

Automatic updates

Most operating systems have free software updates to enhance security and performance. Ensure that your devices (computers, smartphones, tablets) and software (operating systems, browsers) are up to date with the latest security patches. Regular updates help protect against vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Set up your devices to get these updates automatically to keep your data safe.

Use secure networks

Avoid logging into your account from public Wi-Fi networks or unsecured internet connections. Use trusted and secure networks to reduce the risk of unauthorised access.

Watch out for account activity

If you receive an email notifying you of suspicious activity, get in touch with an admin user straight away.

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