
Creating Groups

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

You might want to create a group of users in order to give them access to Group Desks.

Creating a group

  1. Go to Apps on the menu, click Users, then Groups.
  1. Click the 'Add group' button on the top right.
  1. Enter your group name and description.

Turn on the 'Default' switch if you want all users to be automatically added to this group. You would want to turn this on for an 'All Staff' group for example. If you want to control membership of the group manually, leave the switch off.

Click Save to create the group.

Adding users to the group

You do not need to follow these steps if you selected Default in the group settings.
  1. Go to Apps on the left menu, click Users, then Users again.
  2. Search for the user you want to add to the group and click 'Edit'.
  1. Go to the 'Groups' tab. Find the relevant group and switch on the toggle.

You should see a green confirmation bar that the user was added to the group successfully.

You do not need to click 'Update user'.

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