
Onboarding new users with welcome emails

Bhavik Updated by Bhavik

Welcome emails can be used to notify your users that their account has been set up. The email will provide a link for them to create a password so that they can login to your system.

Sending a welcome email when creating a new user

When creating a new user, you can now choose the Send welcome email option under Account actions.

Once you create the user by hitting Add user, the welcome email will be sent to the user's email address.

Welcome emails cannot be enabled for Federated only users or for users who have already set a password for their account.

The link to create a password will only remain active for 2 days. If the link has expired, you can send a new welcome email by following the steps for sending a welcome email to an existing user.

Sending a welcome email to an existing user

You may want to create a user and delay sending the welcome email until a later date. You can do this by going to Edit the user, then enabling Send welcome email. The email will send when you hit Update user.

You can also use this option to resend welcome emails if a user hasn't set up a password before the link expires.

Sending welcome emails to multiple users

When importing users into the system, you can specify whether to send a welcome email by setting the cell value to 'True' for the Send welcome email column. If left blank, the system will interpret it as 'False' and will not send the email.

You can also send welcome emails through the bulk edit functionality. This is helpful if you want to create the users first and send the welcome emails at a later date.

Welcome email journey

In the welcome email, users will be asked to create a password for their account.

The link to create a password will only remain active for 2 days. If the link has expired, you can send a new welcome email.

Clicking on Create password will direct the user to a secure page where they can create their password.

After successfully saving the password, the user will see a message stating 'Your account has been updated.' They will also receive an email notification to say their password has been updated.

Users can then log in using the password they've just set up. During login, users will have the option to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) to further enhance the security of their account.

How did we do?

Creating and managing users

8th September update
