User roles and permissions

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

There are 3 types of users in MyWorkplace. See below for how to assign permissions to other users in your organisation.

MyWorkplace user

Standard MyWorkplace permissions:

  • View and interact with feature, group, and shared desks
  • Create private and public desks and add applets
  • Share their own desks with other users
  • Create new tasks, assign tasks to others, and clear their own tasks

MyWorkplace User administrator

Standard permissions, and also:

  • Create, edit, and delete users
  • Manage user settings
    • Add and remove access to Groups
    • Reset password and MFA
    • Remove paired accounts
  • Monitor sessions and log users out remotely
  • Create, edit, and delete groups
  • Create, edit and delete group desks
  • Hide or show feature desks

MyWorkplace Customer administrator

Standard and user administrator permissions, and also:

  • Manage organisation settings
    • Set password policy
    • Set multi-factor authentication configuration
    • Create and manage Authorities, Federations and Workplaces
  • Assign administrator permissions to other users

How to set another user as an administrator

You will need to be a Customer administrator to follow these steps.

  1. Head to Apps on your left menu, select Users and then Users again.
  2. Search for the person and select Edit on the right hand side.
  3. Go to the Permissions tab. Toggle either the User administrator or Customer administrator option to 'on'.
    You should see a pop-up to say the changes have saved. You can then navigate to a different screen, you don't need to click on Update user.

How did we do?

Resetting passwords

Creating and managing users
