Setting up Advanced Financials Applets

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

You can check out the full list of available Advanced Financials applets here. You can add these applets to your desk to see quick insights and access key functionality from MyWorkplace. You'll need to have a desk set up first, for steps on setting up desks, read here.

To add and configure the Advanced Financials applets:

  1. From your desk, access the Applet library by clicking on the Add Applet button.
  1. Type Financials in the search field.
  1. Select the Applets you wish to add to the desks by clicking on them, the green tick will be displayed.

Then click the Add selected button.

  1. You now need to setup each applet. Click the vertical ellipses icon and select Edit from the menu.
  1. Select your options and click on Save once complete.
  1. Repeat the above steps to add options to all the applets you added to your desk.

To add a reporting dashboard to your desk:

  1. In Cloud Reporting, open the dashboard you'd like to view from your desk. Copy the URL.
  1. Go to your desk in MyWorkplace, and open the Applet Library. Select the iFrame applet and click the Add selected button.

Choose one of the larger size options like large x-tall to make sure you can see the full dashboard.

  1. Click the vertical ellipses icon and select Edit from the menu.
  1. Paste the URL and click on the Check Link button. You can also change the title and subtitle of the applet to describe the type of dashboard you're adding.
  1. You should now see the dashboard on your desk! Here's an example of a General Ledger Dashboard.

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Advanced Financials Applets

Advanced HR Applets
