How To - Add Youtube Videos to a Desk

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

Embedding Youtube videos to your Desk is a great way of sharing content within your organisation.

You can use either the Desk Notes Applet or the iFrame Applet to share Youtube videos. Use the Desk Notes if you want to add some text above or below the video, or use the iFrame if you want to only show the video.

Here's the steps:

  1. Add the Desk Notes or iFrame Applet to your Desk in the size you want the video to be.
  2. Go to the Youtube page for the video you want to share.
  3. Click 'Share' under the video.
  1. Click 'Embed'.
  2. Select the URL between the " speech marks. It should be in the format
  3. For the iFrame Applet - click Add URL and paste this text into the URL field. For the Desk Notes Applet - click Add Notes, then click the add video button, then paste the text into the URL field.

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