My Link/Links Applet

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

The My Link/Links applet allows you to add one or several URL links to your desk. There are a few different sizes available depending on what you want to add.

The My Links applet has two sizes. One allows you to add up to four links in a compact size, shown in the screenshot above.

The second allows you to add up to eight links in a wider size, as shown here:

The My Link applet also has two sizes - short and tall, as shown below. You can add one link to both sizes as well as an relevant icon. On the tall version, you can also add a URL title and URL subtitle to provide more information about the webpage.

You could use the My Link/Links applets to add links to other webpages you use regularly, such as a travel booking site to a 'Going to the office' desk. You can add links to specific pages of Advanced HR or Advanced Financials so you are taken directly to the page you need without needing to navigate there.

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