How To - Add a Spreadsheet or Chart to your Desk

Katy Harrison Updated by Katy Harrison

Embedding spreadsheets to your Desk is a great way of sharing information and data within your organisation.

You can use the iFrame Applet to share spreadsheets and charts from Google Sheets.

Here's the steps:

  1. Add an iFrame Applet to your Desk in the size you want.
  2. Open the Google Sheets spreadsheet with data or a chart you want to share.
  3. To share the table data - Open the 'File' menu, click 'Share' and then 'Publish to web'.

To share a chart - Click the 3 dots at the top right of the chart. Select 'Publish the chart'.

  1. Go to the 'Embed' tab.
  1. Select the text between the speech marks " " in the text box and copy to clipboard.

For table data, the text should look like this:

For a chart, the text should look like this:

  1. Go back to your Desk in MyWorkplace. Go to Edit Properties for the iFrame applet you have added. Paste the text into the URL box and click 'Check Link'.
  1. Click Save. You now have a copy of the spreadsheet or a chart on your Desk!

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